Why was The Urantia Book written?

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The Urantia Book was written “to expand cosmic consciousness and enhance spiritual perception” (1.2) 0:0.2 of the peoples of Urantia, our planet. It provides a panoramic view of the illimitable size of space and time, demonstrating the order of the cosmos and illustrating the unimaginable dimensions of the universe of universes. From beginning to end, The Urantia Book also provides an appreciation of how each human being may enhance their own experience of God, of truth, beauty and goodness and of the unconditional love of God for each of us. The book describes “the whole scheme of living existences on the worlds of space as centered in the divine purpose of elevating all will creatures to the high destiny of the experience of sharing the Father’s Paradise perfection.” (36.3) 2:2.5

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Tel: +1-773-525-3319; Fax: +1-773-525-7739
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