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Upcoming Events

The Marriage and Family Adventure! An Online Symposium

Live on Zoom Sessions:

Friday and Saturday, June 14–15, 2024

Join our panel of readers as they examine the rich tapestry of marriage and family as viewed in The Urantia Book, academia, and personal experience. This comprehensive series of presentations will explore the multifaceted aspects of relationships, unions, and familial dynamics, offering inspiration and guidance for navigating the complexities of human relationships—the most spiritual of adventures! Emcees Bill and Share Beasley will infuse the event with experiential wisdom and humor.

Each live webinar session will be 30 minutes long, followed by a 45-minute interactive panel discussion. Click on the link below to view the topics, presenters, and starting times for each session.

Note: While a Zoom account is not necessary to attend this event, you will be prompted to download Zoom software to your computer or device if it is not already installed.

All presentations will be recorded and available in July.

Questions? [email protected]

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Bee hovering while collecting pollenCALLING ALL VOLUNTEERS!

Are you looking for an opportunity to serve the Urantia Revelation? Here is your chance to be a valued volunteer for Urantia Foundation. For a few hours a week (or more), we welcome you to serve on the following "labor of love" projects:

  • Urantia Foundation News Online: Help inform readers around the world of Foundation news. We need volunteers to translate Urantia Foundation News Online into the following languages: German, Lithuanian, Korean, Polish, Hungarian, Swedish and Estonian. Native-speakers who are fluent in English are encouraged to volunteer.

Please contact us at [email protected] and join the team!

Urantia Study GroupJOIN A STUDY GROUP

Looking for a study group in your area? Visit the Study Group Directory

attractive girl reading book in coffee shopLIBRARY PLACEMENT OF URANTIA BOOKS

Are you familiar with our Library Placement Program?

Spread the teachings by placing The Urantia Book in libraries or alternative libraries.

For years readers have placed The Urantia Book in public libraries. Another library placement opportunity-the alternative library-remains untapped. Libraries in coffee shops, hotels, cruise ships, bed and breakfast inns, youth hostels, restaurants, truck stops, waiting rooms, nursing homes, churches and fraternity and sorority houses are the perfect spots for people to find The Urantia Book. So next time you stay at, or pass by, an establishment that has a library, place a copy of The Urantia Book on their library shelf.

Foundation Info

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Urantia Foundation, 533 W. Diversey Parkway, Chicago, IL 60614, USA
Tel: +1-773-525-3319; Fax: +1-773-525-7739
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